Story #305

I was sitting on my couch, just thinking of how I totally ruined my entire life by not getting married. I was about to turn 31 next month and my mom pretends that i’m one of her tenants ,  seems like i totally lost my value in that house . The house was becoming strange to me just because I wanted to marry someone i love not the one my parents love.

The other day when I got into an argument with my mom about some minor stuff , i finally decided to end that up right there and leave that house on my parent’s conditions

Remembering the day when  I was 19 , wishing  to marry my prince charming and with just one blink of an eye turned 30, getting ready in my room to marry someone i barely know about. Only thing i care about now is that my parents are satisfied enough and i’m gonna leave that house.

I am so ready to walk down my wedding mandap , i can see the happy faces , A man is standing right in front of me

now, i took my first step in my new house which was not lesser strange. the next morning, when i woke up in a very spooky environment i can hear the voice of my mother-in-law calling me out from the living room, i rushed towards her as she sounded too arrogant. her voice sounded as if she’s gonna kill me right up there. as i expected she instructed me to make food for whole family. disapointingly i headed towards the kitchen and there were many random thoughts scrolling in my mind, “i am not able to recognize myself”, “its just not me”, “i am not  the one who would rather be here, i am lost somewhere”.

the same day i called my mother but she just kept telling me that its the only thing good for me. i am even more frustrated now. i ran out of that strangers house, leaving my husband behind, heading towards a whole new life with just a small sum of money n my pocket. i slammed the door and as i passed the street, i really felt free and seems like i got wings. i realized that now i am living my life and a woman could live without a man, can stand by herself.

Anonymous, New York

Story #304

There was once a one-eared cat who liked to buy everything double
He started small and soon enough it become a real treasure
First it was a pair of trousers
He was so delighted
But how can he stop now?
So he bought one pair of jeans and another of cotton
should he stop now? No way! he must match a shirt
Can you guess what came next?
Of course you guessed! he bought another shirt
He could not decide a red or blue
and then he remembered, it’s not even a dilemma
right away he put the two of them in the cart
and because he was right next to the socks
how can he refuse to buy them both?
When he was done shopping, he had a full closet
and then it hit him – I also need a new fridge
He went and bought a small and a large one, just in case!
one minute after he thought: “I want a table too!”
on and on, not stopping shopping
He bought more and more, he was enjoying the moment
Then something wonderful happened
He saw beautiful toys he really, really wanted
Immediately took them and ran to the cashier
The cashier told him politely this you cannot have
You spend too much and there wasn’t any money left
What can he do now? it is the  one thing he really cared for
Sat and wiped and a little light lit
the solution is right here
He sold any item he had
and finally he could have what he really wanted
he was happy to have these two little toys.
He doesn’t have a pair of socks but his heart is full of joy.

Yaarit Stern, Tel Aviv

Story #303

Have you ever heard the story of that kind grandpa living in Slovakia?

It was around 50 years ago when he was a young soldier, loving her beautiful bride. It was a war time and he had to leave his girl. He showed a cherry to the girl and said..look i will put the seed in my mouth, it keeps me safe and i will come back soon. He kissed his bride and left, the girl was crying every day.
And he came back from the war safely and had a wonderful life with his wife.
Now after 50 years, he still have the cherry seed, sitting with her wife on chair, remembering all the good years.

Paria, Tehran

Story #302 – The Speech

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a good time!

I am going to say a few special words about my husband, man, lover and friend. And I have written a note with three words to remember what to say.

The first word is handsome. That was the first thought I had about you when I first say you at Amelie’s party. Then I got a little bit drunk and made out with you later that evening at the night club Jeriko. I didn’t have a clue we were going to end up here.

The second thing I have written is surprise. Already the same weekend after we first met you surprised me by coming to visit me in Stockholm, we met in Malmö where you lived. I was so nervous that I looked up a youth hostel further down the street where you could stay if it didn’t work out. You came and you had bought me three gifts. One book about horoscope, chocolate because all women love that you said and a package of gums with ”let’s make out” written on it. Then you said something I never will forget. You have to remember this is the first time we meet sober. You said: ”Wouldn’t it be more cosier if we took our clothes of?”. And I couldn’t agree more.

The third thing I wrote was listen. We were at the music festival in Roskilde when we had our first fight, just weeks after we met. We didn’t part as friends. And I went home to Stockholm. On Monday a flower shop phoned me up and asked if they could leave some flowers outside my door. Of course I asked who it was from and they wondered if I really wanted to know and I said that I would. It was from you. When I walked home with a colleague and friend later that night I said to him that you probably just sent me three red roses and written something really corny. I wanted you to write something romantic like ”You make me want to be a better man!” from my favourite move ”As good as it gets”, with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. That is romantic! When I got home the flowers was outside my door. I opened the wrap and just as I thought, it was three red roses. And on the card you had written: ”You make me want to be a better man”. I started crying and phoned you at once.
I didn’t even remember that I had told you my favourite movie.

So that’s why I love you, you are handsome, you always surprise me and you listen to what I say. And of course because you make me want to be a better woman.


Mirabelle, Malmö, Sweden

Gametember #22

Fan art

Story #301

Cat and Dog were sitting on a hill looking up at the stars on a warm summers evening. There was a gentle breeze and the fresh air filled their lungs with contentment.

They began reminiscing about their long-standing friendship and how they overcame so many adversities through their lives, as well as becoming such great friends in the face of the usual stereotypical naysayers who consistently negated the “strange” bond they shared.

After much deliberation, they both calmly looked at each other and smiled a knowing smile, then they said nothing, and just sat there in silence enjoying the clear night sky, speckled with the most amazingly bright pin pricks of distant stars, and the fresh country air.

Eventually after what seemed like a welcomed eternity of peaceful silence, Cat turned to Dog with a grin stretching from ear to ear and said: “I wish it would rain, really really hard” to which Dog replied, “Yeah, me too.”

They both began laughing hysterically and uncontrollably, so much so that they toppled over on their backs and they just laughed… and laughed…

and laughed, and laughed some more…

Michael, Durban, South Africa

Story #300

A girl got a brother from another mother who respected her, loved her and protected her like hell. They were close as no one has to describe problem or feelings in words, just a look was enough for both of them. One asks question and another answers before it was finished. A little argument over the difference of opinion for the working procedures and perspective for life,both wanted business and became partners officially. They succeed and reached the point where they dreamed together but their love lives were not going as expected, their partners disliked their bonding with each other and hence separated for the sake of their future love lives and families. now, they are left with only one relationship that is corporate.

Anonymous, New Delhi

Story #299

Forskningsexpeditionen på Botbygårdsvägen ett kämpade sin väg mot Sibirien. Stundvis sjönk de tappra medlemmarna ända upp till midjan i de mjuka kullarna av snö som vinden hade format på det öppna fältet. Himlen var full med snabbt virvlande snöflingor som gjorde sitt bästa för att täcka spåren expeditionen lämnade efter sig. Plötsligt hördes det ett kvävt rop på hjälp. Den största forskaren, Anni, vände sig bakåt och såg på den mellanstora forskaren, Minni. Tillsammans letade de febrilt med blicken efter den tredje, och minsta, medlemmen i expeditionen:

– Teija, vart tog du vägen?!

Trevande följde Anni och Minni sina spår tillbaka. Där borta i snöhögen syntes det en stickad mössa med ett par ilskna ögon under.

– Och hur är det tänkt att man ska vandra till Sibirien, när det är snö ända upp till halsen! Teija var inte glad.

Anni och Minni tog tag i var sin arm på Teija och drog fram sin medforskare. Det utbröt en diskussion om huruvida en seriös sibirienforskare kan vara så kort att hon försvinner i snön. Till sist bestämde Anni sig:

– Vi tar en bättre väg till Sibirien. Om vi vandrar på botten av Det Farliga Diket, går det säkert lättare att komma fram. Anni flinade förtjust när hon kom på:

– Det allra lättaste sättet att komma ner på botten är att rulla ner!

Som en man kastade sig hela expeditionen ner i snön och satte igång att rulla. Snart hamnade de i en sprattlande, skrattande hög längst ner på botten av det stora diket, alldeles framför en mystisk öppning.

– Haa, en hemlig grotta! Anni var entusiastisk.

– Mamma har sagt att det heter dagvattenrör, meddelade Minni:

– När det regnar jättemycket, rinner all vatten från vägen ner i diket, och sedan via röret till havet.

– Men nu regnar det inte, det snöar, hela luften är full med snö! Dessutom är det morgon, då kan det inte komma något dagvatten, sa Anni och kikade nyfiket in i röret:

– Åå, det är ju en tunnel som går under vägen och ända bort till havet! Vi kan fortsätta vår vandring på havsisen. Kom så kryper vi in! Anni såg med lysande ögon på sina medforskare:

– Teija, du kan få krypa in först, så ser vi om du är på väg att försvinna, erbjöd Anni ädelmodigt.

Det var lätt att krypa på den snöfria isen i tunneln. I början var det lite otäckt med mörker, men ögonen vande sig. Dessutom var tunneln rak, man kunde inte krypa vilse på vägen. Forskarna kröp i evigheter, tills det tog stopp:

– Det är bara snö och is här, det går inte komma fram, meddelade Teija besviket. Det var bara att vända tillbaka.

– Hör ni, vad är det som låter, undrade Minni, stannade och lyssnade.

Ett dovt muller hördes ovanför expeditionen. Mullret blev kraftigare och kraftigare för att sedan avta i styrka.

– Å, nej, ropade Anni:

– Det där var plogbilen som åkte på vägen ovanför oss! Snart vänder den och plogar andra halvan av vägen!

Anni och Minni såg förfärat på varandra i mörkret och ropade i munnen på varandra:

– Och då hamnar all snö i diket!

– Vi måste ta oss ut fort!

Flickorna satte fart på sitt krypande. Anni kom fram till öppningen först, kravlade ut, drog Minni efter sig ut, och hörde hur plogbilen närmade sig. Teija kom fram till öppningen – och vände tvärt tillbaka!

Plogbilens strålkastare lyste genom snöyran och mullret blev högre. Anni och Minni högg tag i var sitt ben på Teija och drog ut den villt sprattlande motsträviga minsta forskaren. Andfådda fortsatte Anni och Minni sitt dragande upp ur diket, och längre bort på det öppna fältet.

Plogbilen dundrade förbi och snömassorna rasade ner i diket. Den hemliga tunneln hade försvunnit under enorma drivor av snö.

– Min mössa, jag tappade min mössa in i tunneln! Teija ylade av förtvivlan och ilska.

Det tog en stund att övertyga Teija om fördelarna av att vara ute ur röret utan mössa, mot att vara inne i röret, med mössa, ända fram till våren. Till sist enades expeditionen om att man inte kan fortsätta ända till Sibirien i snöstormen utan mössa. Därtill var det säkert dags för mellanmål:

– Varm svartvinbärssaft och kanelbullar! Vi går hem!

Februarisolen glittrade som tusen diamanter på den snötäckta havsisen. Teija gjorde sitt bästa för att hålla farten upp och lät skidorna följa spåret som papporna på Botbygårdsvägen ett hade gjort på havsviken. Hack i häl följde Anni och Minni efter. Teija tvärstannade utan förvarning. Seriekrocken blev katastrofal:

– Varför stannade du mitt i farten! fräste Anni, spottade ut en munfull med snö, och försökte ta reda på vilka av de hoptrasslade benen, skidorna och stavarna var hennes. Teija försvarade sig:

– Jag såg en räv!

– Höh, en räv är väl inget speciellt, det springer ju rävar över isen hela tiden, muttrade Minni och skakade bort snö från sin halsduk som hon hittade under Annis ena skida.

– Ja men den här räven hade min mössa i munnen!

Teija hade fått ordning på sina armar och ben och satte fart efter räven. Anni och Minni följde efter i sin bästa fart. Solen sken, skidorna swishade och flickorna kom fram till skogsbrynet på andra sidan av havsviken. Räven hade försvunnit in i skogen. Anni lyfte ryggsäcken från sina axlar, plockade fram en termosflaska med varm choklad och en påse med apelsinklyftor.

– Kom Teija, vi sitter på den här fina stenen och äter picknick istället. Rävens ungar blir säkert jätteglada när de får sova på din varma mjuka mössa i kväll.

Saila, Kil

Story #298

This year was really great! I had my first backpacking trip with two other best friends. We had so much fun together. For myself, I felt like I was one of the locals during that trip, not as a traveller or a tourist. We also learn many things, the culture, the people, the food.. It was amazing and unforgettable. We were able to “survive” on a limited budget. It’s true that we should travel while we’re young, because we can get and learn many things from travelling.

Anindita, Bandung

Story #297

Alex, a 15 year old girl, caught a ride to school in the morning, braving a ride with her half-asleep friend. She had taken the time to curl her long blond hair today because today was important…she had an apology to make. Once she got to school, she shoved everything in her locker and went to find him. The halls were becoming more crowded by the minute – she couldn’t move fast enough. As soon as she found him, she began to lose her nerve. Tall, thin and even more blond than her, she had forgotten how much she enjoyed looking into those blue-green eyes. Of course, she enjoyed those eyes more when they were happy to see her. Today was not one of those days. After trying to apologize (she was just playing when she hit him…she just got out of hand…ugh) and being denied, she was left to try to pull herself together enough to manage class. She frantically began texting her mom…she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t go to class – not today. Not after this morning. But her mom was already at work…stuck 45 minutes away. So she was relegated to writing a story for a guy to illustrate.

– Jennifer Hageman-Culp, Kansas City