Story #153

Rain, rain, rain. It seems never ending. Wind, thunder and lightning. Ohhhhh, tornado warning! Hide, hide, hide!! Leaves flying, branches breaking, rain making torrents of creeks poring through the road. Listening to the wind whistling through the house, surprised it finds so many places to whistle through.
Waiting, waiting, waiting. Time will pass and so will the storm. Until then, no quiet and solitude of birds chirping, bees humming and the quiet rustle of squirrels in the trees.
A good day to snuggle in front of a fire, blanket and book on hand.
Oh where is my quiet to sit and watch life pass me by?

Oh where is the blue sky and the quiet for my morning coffee?

Story #152

Rasa Thorn
was never born.
Her life was a
so longed one.

Her father,
full of dedication,
never found
her time.

Her mother
simply can’t recall
a girl, a love

forgotten, foregone.
May be next time,
Rasa Thorn.

Story #151

Holy friend I thought to myself, what will I do about this whole situation, it’s way too dangerous to stay but what will everyone else think? We, leaving this settlement while everyone else believes we have lied this whole time. But we didn’t die, did we? It’s the question my son poses me all the time, I don’t know why or how he would come to know this information, it should have been guarded by very few composed men.

My son, is my biggest creation of all time, it’s why they are so afraid because somewhere deep down, everyone knows he’s not human, he’s however too well created that he is a human by normal standards, just not concieved in the same way. He is what some would call a labrat of sorts.

Everything spins out and no one understands anything, what is happening and more importantly, why is it happening. Could everything just be layered into different universes or is it all by chance it rised from the nothingness or that of the big bang. What we do know is that we exist in a single timeline that has yet to be touched by any other entity or reality. Everything that is, is because of our behaviour, our choices and so on. Need I tell you what will happen if we do nothing, just idling, waiting for it to end. That would be the destructiveness that ends us all, leaving nothing but smithereens.

It kinda started with the gnak of the month, which later changed to days in which we feel confided in ourselved, but what were we to do else, ignore it? Ignoring humanity will slay us all, in the end, nature always wins. And if we don’t stop it fast, nature will show what we did wrong. Never to take it as a threat, we have already doomed ourselves by doing nothing but let sin control us, so ask yourself, was it really worth it, was it?

Story #150

I’m 11 and I live in Michigan about a year ago a nice mom from ohio who has a girl my age began sending me clothes after my aunt has mentioned that I could use them. I then began to email and FaceTime with the girl and we became instant friends I was then able to make the trip to Ohio and we had the best time! We had a sleepover and went to the store and tried on Halloween masks! I just know I made a friend for life

Story #149

Trädklättrarna från Botbygårdsvägen 1 stirrade forskande på Skvallerbackens höga granar. Till sist enades de om ett praktfullt exemplar med täta grenar. Den minsta trädklättraren fick börja:

– Då kan vi putta på dig uppåt, och fånga dig om du ramlar.

Snart följde vi andra efter. Det doftade starkt och friskt inne i granen. Tjocka rännilar av kåda rann längs med stammen och klibbade roligt under fingrarna. Minsta trädklättraren hade nått toppen av granen, och spanade ivrigt mot havet:

– Jag ser ända bort till Sverige!

Vi andra fick bråttom komma upp och få oss en skymt av det underbara landet där både Pippi Långstrump och Emil i Lönneberga bodde. Det blev trångt, men var värt besväret. Bortom havet som glittrade i aprilsolen kunde vi skymta en smal remsa land, det var säkert Sverige. Där på toppen av granen kunde jag skryta med mina kunskaper i svenskarnas annorlunda språk.

– GOFTÅN säger man på kvällen. Vill man räkna, så säger man ELVA, TOLVA, LÅPPAKORVA.

Det hördes ivriga övningar i svenska språket medan vi klättrade ner. Plötsligt avbröts de av ett hjärtskärande skrik! Alla hade vi hår som räckte långt ner på ryggen. På morgonen gjorde mamma prydliga flätor på sina döttrar, men så här på eftermiddagen hade gummisnoddarna med en plastboll i vardera änden försvunnit i fickan och håret svallade fritt på oss alla. Nu hade mellersta trädklättraren fastnat i kådan med sitt hår. Jag funderade:

– Vi skulle behöva en sax. Kommer ni ihåg när jag tappade mitt tuggade tuggummi på vår katt? Då fick jag klippa loss det med nagelsaxen och hoppas att mamma inte märkte något.

– Ni får inte klippa bort mitt hår!

– Men om jag ramlar på dig, då slits du loss från kådan.

Hjälpsamt släppte den minsta trädklättraren taget och ramlade.

Barren stack oss prickiga, grenarna gav oss blåmärken, och ner tumlade vi i en hög. Försiktigt satte vi oss upp under granen, stirrade tyst på varandra, slängde oss sedan raklånga i den mjuka mossan och gapskrattade. Vilket äventyr!

Den våren kunde en liten rödhake inreda sitt bo med tovor av ljust, brunt, och rödbrunt hår, som den hittade fastkletat i kådan på sin hemgran.

Story #148

it have been 4 years that i’d love him, it’s not easy to make me love him, but he never give up to show me and make me believe that he was my soulmate. he doesn’t look like my prince imagination, but he always know what i need, and what i’ve to be for my own. i never want to compare him with my dad, but i can say that he was a man that i loved after my dad. i hope that 4 years later we can be a great couple for our future – marry and become parents

love for me just like shoes – have right and left, have fate from God to move, no matter anywhere, we know that we have each other, complement each other, no matter who’s on the front or behind.

Story #147 – The kitsungi girl

Every one walked by
Nobody dared notice
Then he saw the shattered pieces
Picked up every shard
Started putting it together
To him broken meant possibility
Possibility of beauty
Broken has a story
Putting together makes it whole
Lines and cracks
Because being broken
and then
being put together
Highlighted flaws
shining golden
Is what makes broken

Story #146

The first time I met him, he was so quiet never thought that he would kiss my heart, suddenly he reels me in the sweetest way. I’m so enamored by him. I hope he gets to feel this. I don’t care what the rest do because when we’re alone, it’s beautiful makes me won’t to leave him. When I was lost and so in need he opened up his heart. When I needed him to comfort me he opened up his arms. I couldn’t face another day he said don’t be afraid. Thanks God i found him.

Story #145

One day a black cat came to live with my grandparents. My grandfather named him Muhammad, after his favourite boxer, Muhammad Ali. My grandmother refused to call the cat Muhammad, and called him Puss instead. I wanted to call him by his proper name but felt embarrassed calling out “Muhammad, Muhammmaaaad, dinner” out the door of their little house. So I called him Puss too

Story #144

This is a story about a boy meeting his destiny girl in one london rainy night. Despite the fact that he doesnt know how would the girl react, he was brave enough to step up and talk to that girl and ask for her number.

All story has two sides. For the girl, she did not think much of that boy, however, she still got into a polite conversation with him while she was avoiding the rain under the shelter.

Will the conversation start anything special between the two?