Story #267 – Obsessed with Batman

People thing I’m an ordinary, lazy teen and like always they have there ninicknames, often Pig-ham. But I’d say I’m more of a Batpig, Batham I mean Batman. In four years they will see I will have completed the  training that will make make me unbelievable, strong, and powerful! … but I ‘ll start tomorrow .

Emily Higham, Stoke-on-Trent

Story #266

The little pig decided it was time to try some new things so he went to a yoga class. He tried to do a headstand but his ears got in the way which made him very upset.  Fortunately, Mr.Pig’s friend the Goat, made him feel a little bit better because as he pointed out, he couldn’t even sit down properly and cross his legs…

Nikolina, Edmonton

Story #265

There is a dog, his name is Ugo and he is a orange viszla. He can fly with his long ears in the north italian Sky. He also have a good friend, another dog, a female b/w Setter called Palma. They plays all the days in the Sky. They want to explore the word.

Massimo Papaiz, Sesto al Reghena

Story #264

I have an ex-boyfriend and we has been apart almost 6 years. We met again at last year. Actually we know we still love each other. But we won’t get together again because some situations. We will meet once a month, and we talk and talk, or see a movie which we also love. He treats me as same as a queen. I feel so happy when we meet. Although we will not to be a couple again, I still love him and so much. I hope he will happy forever and has a complete life. I hope he can have some support or warm feeling when he feels upset.

May, Hong Kong

Story #263

A lone pineapple ends it’s arduous journey across a vast and surreal dessert.

It’s quest you ask? Pizza Voyage.

Shaun, London

Story #262

I met with my fiancee while we were working. he was a part-time assistant for one of our events. when I first saw him I thought that he was the cutest man that I have ever seen and I felt instantly a warmth in my heart. couple of months later, the day I returned from my annual leave I found him working at our office. from that day on I started waking up happy thinking that I will see him when I go to work:) and 5 months later, on 21st of January 2012 we went together to a small concert of an indie band. after the concert we went to a bar, we closed that bar went to another one and so on:) after the closing of the second or third bar, while we were going down the stairs a little tipsy, he kissed me so softly and gently (he told me afterwards that he was a little worried that I wouldn’t kiss him back:))
during these years I learned from him the meaning of mutual love and respect, relationship, compassion and tenderness.
I became his koala bear -because literally I hang on to him like a koala bear when he comes home:) and he became my bunny because that’s what he looks like when he yawns when he is sleepy:)
last year he proposed and we are getting married on 13th of June!

Dory, Istanbul

Story #261

Likt en förrymd tonfisk i konserveringsfabriken sätter jag nu språng mot friheten, i detta fall även kallat soffan & tvn!

Knutsson, Karlstad

Like a Tuna running away from the canning factory I now leap towards freedom, in this case also known as the couch & TV!

Story #260

Sene 2000’di ilk tanıştığımızda. O sıra birbirini sevmeyen ve kızgınca bakan iki kişiydik. Ama ne zaman sene 2003 oldu, yaşlar 18’e geldi birbirimize aşık olduk.

Yıllar geçti, aşkımız hiç bitmedi. Tam 11 sene sonra evlendik. Çok güzel bir yuvamız oldu. Evlendikten 1,5 sene sonra da bir kızımız olacak. Adını bile koyduk 🙂 Ece..

Annesi kadar güzel olacak inşallah, babası kadar da zeki.

Ailemiz ve sevgimiz daha da büyüyerek gidiyor..

Burak Aydoğan, Eskişehir

Story #259

This is a special one where there are several stories in one picture. All stories written by 12 year olds in Västerås.

A little girl called Jenifer is 7 years old. With  blonde long hair, in her right hand she have brown teddy-bear and in hear left hand she have coupled lemel called Bertil. They are walking down the street, they have gone astray, so they can’t find home. She walk and walk around in circles. After a time she saw  her yellow house behind her. When she come in she meet her mother. The mother is happy. And Jenifers pink dress is dirty, Bertils fur is dirty not yellow as before.

– Isabelle Pettersson


A long time ago a unicorn with a big butt ate a cake with chocolate mousse. She named Ingrid and was four years old. It was her birthday and she would have a party. Ingrid called her friends and did tell them they could come to her birthday party. Ingrids BBF Katy (it’s a cat) came the night and gave the unicorn a gift. The gift had pink paper around it with a green bow. Ingrid tore up the present and found a little kitten.

– Evelina Söderström


Det var en gång en liten katt som bodde helt ensam i en liten stuga mitt ute i skogen men katten började känna sig ensam. En dag när katten var ute i trädgården så kom en lite liten jätte gullig kattunge. Katten och den lilla kattungen började genast prata med varandra. Dom blev jätte bra vänner och den lilla kattungen fick bo med katten och katten behövde aldrig känna sig ensam igen.

– Emil


A long long time ago there was a pig called Big fat piggy.
Big fat piggy loves hamburger many times a day he goes to McDonalds, Frasses and Pans!…
One day he met a very fat unicorn with a really big butt, she loves to wiggle with butt.
After two days big fat piggy asked the unicorn: WILL YOU MARRY ME!!

Alex Frunck


It was once a little child. He´s name was Alex. One day when Alex played in the forest one little lady came by too say hello. Alex said hello and the lady and Alex become very good friends. another day when Alex played in the forest again the old lady came bay too say hello and Alex said hello. That time the old lady took Alex to his home. Alex was scared but it turned out that it was Alex grandmother and  Alex parents came by and say hello when Alex stayed with his grandmother.
The End



Tihis was two horses who drive a car. This was a big horse who sit in a little car and a small horse drive in a big car. they drive in a tree. Crash! They die!
The next day come a bear and saw the horses and the horses show theys ass.
And the bear say yuk! The horses was spoke. They love a boy who was a cow hes name was Going. The horses going on and fights.



det var en gång en ko som hette Ida.
Ida var kär i en tjejko som hette oka.
oka och Ida pussades några tusen år senare.
På ett skoldisko. Skoldiskot var jätte kul.
Ida hade jätte långt hår. Oka hade jätte kort hår.
En gång när Ida och oka fick ett barn som var en människa. Människan fick heta Bengt.
En dag förvanlades Bengt till en häst. Ida hade en jätte stor rumpa.


Story #258

Hello, im a pea. A little green pea. I think im the olny pea that talks. I think thats cool. But my friend, ore anti-friends, want to tread on me. I’m like every school kid on middle school mentally, but not on the outside. One day we have a math test. An i get 9 out of 10, my name was wrong. And the rest of my day i was called ”pea brain”. But i never give up. I had a speech yester day. I said that i was the only pea in all time in this school. But of course they show me the most popular guy in the school of all time. A pea…

– Kristoffer Öhrn, Västerås