Story #243

I wake up and go to the bathroom it was dark i lighted the lamp and i checked my self in the mirror and aaaaaaaaa i have blode in my face and i was so pale.
I wasted and go down.
I eat my breakfast and began to bruch my theeth.
I go up to my room and choosing clothes.

Stina, Västerås

Story #242

I woke up and it´s raining outside. This day I´m tired because the summertime has started today. One hour missing me and the night sleep. I`m wondering what this sunday have in his mine? I´m hungry but nobody make my dinner, I´ve to do it by myself:-(
I´m looking out at the nature, it´s still raining.
This evening I´m looking at the TV, nothing else to do.
Bye, Bye.

– Eva Roy, Västerås

Story #241

The small little guy open the gate and its sounds like a teacher draw on the blackboard. The guy was scared because he going in to the church in the middle of night and he saw a big easter bunny as shouting like a dog. And the guy just want to run home but he want to look why the easter bunny shouting like a dog so he och towards to the easter bunny and ask him:

– Why you shouting like that?

– Because I hate when I has gravel in my shoes.

– But why don’t  you take them off then.

– Because I can’t have i said.

– Okey sorry if I asked.

And the little guy helped the easter bunny so it’s been a good easter.

– Kappe, Västerås

Story #240

Once upon a time there was a boy. The boy wanted to go to the university, but he didn’t know the way, and it became dark, and he went home. When he went home his dad asked him, if he went to the university. He said no. Then his dad told him that he was going to bring him to the university.

– Hussein, Västerås

Story #239

A long time ago there was a girl called Alice. She lived in London and was really close to her mirrors. Every day she used all of them. But there was something that was really hitch with one of them. Sometimes you could see a black cat walking behind you. If it really likes you it comes closer to you and cuddle with your legs. BUT!!!!!! Watch out it may will drag you in to themirror and you will stay there until another person comes in. (whispering) And as much as I know Alice is still in there an waiting for (maybe)…………….YOU. ´Cus the mirror still on the market. Maybe the store next to you.

– Josefine, Västerås

Story #238

I am working on ships as a captain and my wife never used to stay seperate to eachother. One time i am on the roads to join the ship and it was really hard to leave her behind. When i almost come to the city where i join the ship, my company called me about ship already sailed and there is no chance to catch the ship and i can go back to the home. I was very happy to miss the ship and go back to my wife. I bought a ticket but didn’t say anything to my wife. She was very sad and missed me. I was on my home early morning time and i waited her near to the way which she used to go to work. She was walking and seemed really sleepy. I called at her “hey lady can you help me over there?” She turned back angrily but when she saw me she was very surprised and started to scream and run to me. She jumped on me and I catched her and kiss her.

– Ilkay, Izmir

Story #237

Her eyes carried so much pain.

I felt this burning lump in my throat when I saw her wiping away the tears just before they could kiss her pink cheeks like she wanted to stop them from telling the world their story. It burned me inside because I couldn’t do anything to take away her salty sadness. And there may be no one that can replace the happiness taken away from her. But every time if she gets lost in her sorrows, I’ll search for her to comfort her, to catch each of her tears, I would do anything to mend the broken smile of her eyes. Her tears launched a thousand red balloons into the dark sky, one for each drop of sadness, to remind her she’ll never be alone. #RedBalloon

Michael Oigreso, Paramaribo

Story #236

She was a happy lonely girl
Sitting next to curly hair
She saw her lovely pinned bag
Remember her old time back
Now it’s around 6 years that
They are like best budd and sister that
Spend together every day
Even though they are far away
She wishes the best year for her
Her little sister, curly hair
I wish you laugh the whole year
See your tears of joy every day

Par, Sheffield

Story #235 – Andy’s Adventure: The War of Cells

A boy named Andy went out to play in winter. He played and sweated, so he took off his clothes. Without notice, some flu germs sneaked in his nose. Andy sneezed and his body warriors started to drive the germs out. But the germs were many and they went into Andy’s blood vein. A fierce war began. A guard cell first woke up, blowed his horn, and called many white blood cells to gather. The white blood cells marched to the warring field and crossed fire with flu germs. Our great commander Andy, saw his temperature going up, knew the war began and asked for help, he brought many weapons to recue.

Myriads of red blood cells, cute as they are, ran through the blood veins to the front. They carried with them the most powerful weapons and gave them to the white bloodcell warriors, see what they are!

They carried warm water for white soldiers to drown the germs.

They carried medicine for soldiers to use as bombs. Boooom.

They carried food, vegetables, fruits, and they are all marvelous weapons!

The warrior turned off the light so they could fight in dark, thus Andy had a good sleep while they fought.

They fought for one day, two days, three days and on the seventh day, the war ended! Andy felt great again, and he drank a large bottle of warm water to wash the corpses away. Hail to Andy the great commander!

Story #234

Tre prinsessor satt på dikeskanten vid Botbygårdsvägen ett, och flätade guldgula kronor av maskrosor.

– Hör ni? frågade storprinsessan. Alla tre stannade i sitt arbete och lyssnade. Ingenting hördes. Fåglarna hade tystnat, inga löv prasslade i träden, hela den varma sommarluften stod still. Plötsligt bröts tystnaden av ett kraftigt muller som fick prinsessornas kroppar att vibrera. Åskan var på väg över havet.

Med ögon lysande av spänning skuttade prinsessorna hem, när vinden vaknade och de första tunga regndropparna föll mot marken. Från det stora vardagsrumsfönstret hade prinsessorna fri utsikt mot det skummande havet och de svartblåa molnen som producerade magnifika blixtar. Plåttaket ovanför prinsessornas huvud smattrade öronbedövande, när åskan slängde ner en hagelskur.

Lika fort som den kom försvann åskan, och lämnade efter sig på gården vattenpölar fyllda med stora vita kulor av is. Förtjust vadade prinsessorna barfota bland de vackra pärlorna, som gav ifrån sig ett svagt klirrande när de stötte mot varandra. Storprinsessan utbrast:

– Hela slottssalen full med dyrbara pärlor! Undrar om det är lika mycket pärlor på taket, så mycket som det lät förut.

Som en prinsessa skyndade prinsessorna sig mot stegen, som ledde hela vägen upp till taket på det tre våningar höga huset. På vintern var stegen farlig, man kunde fastna på den med tungan. De visste prinsessorna, var och en av dem, av egen erfarenhet. Nu på sommaren var det inte farligt att klättra, eller var det det?  Väl högst uppe på stegen, alldeles vid taket, började storprinsessan tveka. Hennes medprinsessor hängde på stegens pinnar tätt i hälarna på henne.

– Fort ner därifrån rackarungar! Och se till att ni inte ramlar, annars plattar jag till er, när ni kommer ner!

O nej, det var Sotaren! Med ens kom prinsessorna på, att stegen egentligen inte var för barn, utan helt och hållet Sotarens egendom. Det snabbaste de kunde klättrade prinsessorna ner, undvek att ramla, och ställde sig sedan beundrande en bit ifrån. Sotaren klättrade vigt upp på taket, tog sig fram till den stora skorstenen som släppte ut all rök från värmepannan nere i källaren.

– Nu brinner det väl ingen eld i den stora ugnen där vi eldar skräp, funderade storprinsessan.

– Nej, för då skulle Sotaren bli alldeles bränd. Som den sista plåten pepparkakor, som vi glömde i ugnen i julas, fortsatte mellanprinsessan.

– Fast han är ju ganska svart, så lite bränd är han nog, konstaterade lillaprinsessan.

Beundrande stirrade prinsessorna på den modiga, lite brända Sotaren när någonting lika svart, fast mindre, krävde deras uppmärksamhet. En svart katt promenerade nonchalant över gräsmattan, mot skogen.

– Det där ser ut som vår katt, tyckte mellanprinsessan.

– Men Mauen är ju hemma, hon får ju inte gå ut utan koppel, tyckte storprinsessan.

– Mauen, kom Mauen, lockade lillaprinsessan. Katten stannade, tittade på prinsessorna, och fortsatte sedan mot skogen. Prinsessorna bestämde att omringa sitt byte, och efter hopp och skutt, skratt och ramlande i mjuka gräset var katten fast. Resolut bars katten hem, upp till tredje våningen, och mycket riktigt gick det inte att hitta någon annan katt där inne.

– Mauen har säkert suttit där i det öppna badrumsfönstret och tittat på oss, och vinden har stängt fönstret, funderade storprinsessan.

– Och puttat ut Mauen! Stackars Mauen, har du ont någonstans?

Prinsessorna undersökte sin katt noggrant, men kunde inte hitta något annat fel på den, än att den inte kunde stänga munnen ordentligt.

– Det ser ut som om den grimaserar åt oss, tyckte storprinsessan.

– Jag tror att Sotaren har någon gång ramlat ner från taket och slagit hakan, precis som Mauen, konstaterade lillaprinsessan fundersamt. De andra prinsessorna tittade förvånat på den minsta.

– Varför tror du det?

– Jo, när han var arg på oss förut, grimaserade han precis som Mauen gör nu.

– Saila, Kil