Story #93

A really great thing happened to me a year ago. I decided to follow my dreams and start my own business in a very unique way. I was on a business skiing trip in Villars-sur-Ollon, a truly beautiful and serene place. As we sat there listening to yet another presentation, I started to think about my idols, Meg Whitman, Leila Janah and Indra Nooyi and how they were at the top of their game. After the presentation I decided I would add one more to that list, me. So I quit. A month from now, we will be launching To following dreams!

Story #92

Today I get doubt over and over again to continue or not the progress to get my heart crushed. Her friend said she want to open her heart after break up. But I’m confused where I want to start cause so far as I observe she’s give’n a cold response 🙁

Story #91

Jag drog ut den sista plÄten med kanelbullar ur ugnen. Lite dÄ och dÄ hördes det ett svagt mummel frÄn telefonkammaren. Det var Bruno som hade skyndat sig till att svara pÄ den grÄa bakelittelefonen, med nummerskiva, som stod pÄ telefonbordet. Det var min mamma som hade virkat den vackra spetsduken som vi alltid hade under telefonen.

Jag öppnade köksfönstret pÄ glÀnt för att slÀppa lite av försommarens svalka in i köket, och, för all del, för att slÀppa ut den hemtrevliga bulldoften till villaomrÄdet vi bodde pÄ. Pilfinkar, blÄmesar och talgoxar hoppade glatt utanför fönstret, under hÀcken, dÀr det fortfarande fanns gott om spÄr efter vinterns matning.

– DĂ„ sĂ€ger vi sĂ„, mormor blir sĂ€kert glad!
Bruno hade höjt rösten, sÄ som man ofta gör, nÀr man ska avsluta telefonsamtalet.

– Ă…Ă„, vad jag Ă€lskar dig, och dina bullar, Kerstin!
Bruno kom in i köket, och hans ord skickade varma vÄgor till mitt hjÀrta. Jag kanske har fÄtt sÄdana dÀr vallningar i mitt hjÀrta, tÀnkte jag, gav Bruno en kram, och placerade honom vid köksbordet.

– SĂ€tt dig hĂ€r, sĂ„ kokar jag lite kaffe. Vem var det som ringde?

Bruno tittade snopet pÄ mig:
– Jag kommer inte ihĂ„g.

I det samma flög en mörk skugga förbi fönstret.

– KĂ€ra hjĂ€rtanens, det var sĂ€kert en hök som swishade förbi!
Jag skyndade mig till fönstret för att se om smÄfÄglarna hade klarat sig. Bruno sken upp:
– Swishade! Just det, det var Sandra som ringde! Hon skulle bara swisha över till Johan, och sedan komma hit för elvakaffe.

– Vad trevligt! Men vad skulle hon swisha med? Har hon och Johan nu köpt en sĂ„dan dĂ€r sportbil de drömde om, en 
 en sĂ„dan dĂ€r Vessla? TĂ€nk att de hĂ€r sportbilarna alltid ska heta som djur.

Bruno fick nÄgot drömmande i blicken:
– Kommer du ihĂ„g nĂ€r vi fick lĂ„na kusin Alberts Jaguar? Det var allt en bil, det!
Sandra stĂ€llde sin cykel mot mormors och morfars röda hus. Än sĂ„ lĂ€nge fick bĂ„de Johan och hon cykla, miljömedvetna som de var, men en dag skulle de ha sparat ihop till en Tesla. Snabbt och smidigt swishade de över alla sina extrapengar till det gemensamma bilkontot. Drömmen skulle bli sann inom nĂ„gra Ă„r. Sandra andades djupt, och kĂ€nde hur doften av hĂ€ggen som stod vid porten blandades med ljuva aromer frĂ„n kanelbullar och nykokt kaffe.

Story #90

The Bird of Paradise came a long journey to met her Swedish friend, The Moose. They made an appointment in a Tree CafĂ© underneath the forest ocean. Birdy ordered a cup of teaffee (tea in a coffee) while Mooshy had a very tall glass filled of bubbly banana smoothie (with umbrella). They had an interesting conversation about the future and couldn’t wait for Mooshy’s plan to visit Indonesia.

Story #89

Me and my boyfriend we have been together for 9 months. Our relationship began on a swing at night. The star was on the sky. We layed down on the swing and catch my hands, kiss my cheek.

Story #88

raging inside of me, the monster made is free
i held her back but now, you sent her raging out
kissed me? out of luck… And the clock has struck
she wants a taste or tear, leaving you to gasp for air

She’s faster than you think,
she’s on a hunting spree
She is a thief that grabs your
heart and leaves you in the dark
She’s faster than you think,
you should’ve taken heed
She is a thief that grabs your heart,
kills with a question mark…

your heart is beating, heavy breathing
held it back, held it in but now I’m seething
tear you apart
you’re stronger then i thought,
you’re stronger then i…

i see him making this, harder than it is
the sharpest sense of smell, beautiful long nails
She’s kinda different, not like anything
he’s ever seen before, he’s longing for more?

he is her souvenir
and i am insincere
She is a thief that grabs your
heart and leaves you in the dark
he is her souvenir
and i am insincere
I’m waiting (waiting) patient

your heart is beating, heavy breathing
held it back, held it in but now I’m seething
tear you apart
you’re stronger then i thought,
you’re stronger then i…

is beating…
is beating…
is beating…

you’re stronger then i thought,
you’re stronger then i…

raging inside of me, the monster made is free
i held her back but now, you sent her raging out
kissed me? out of luck… And the clock has struck
she wants a taste or tear, left you to gasp for air

your heart is beating, heavy breathing
held it back, held it in but now I’m seething
tear you apart
you’re stronger then i thought,
you’re stronger then i…

is beating…
is beating…
is beating…

you’re stronger then i thought…

Story #87

I’ve got this Friday feeling. The clouds have come in, and the rain has come down, but there is a feeling in the air that makes my heart sing, and my mind tell me that the sun is shining – its FRIDAY, and the weekend is about to start! Whoop whoop! Time to turn the work email off, get the wine in the fridge, the takeaway ordered and put the dancing shoes on. TGIF!!

Story #86

The female turtle and male rabbit fall in love. They look different obviously, but they became similar with the power of love. Well there is a saying that love makes the couple look similar:)!

Story #85

Jobbet Àr stressigt. Livet Àr stressigt. VÀrlden Àr stressig. Men att fÄ komma hem och lukta pÄ min bebis huvud Àr lugnet sjÀlvt.

Story #84

A really sweet thing happened to me a year ago. As is characteristic in the city of London, it was utterly chucking it down. As is hugely ironic, despite being a Londoner since the inception of my life, I have never owned an umbrella. As such, I decided to brave the weather and walk through the rainy season. Just as I left the safety of shelter, a dapping young man came up to me, placing a huge umbrella over both of us. He offered me shelter. We began to talk and talk, about everything and nothing. I have never felt a spark like that with anyone. It felt like we had a kinship; like he could see into the depths of my soul. He has inspired my recent collection of poetry. He walked me right to a wonderfully quaint coffee shop in the heart of the city: the Bloomsbury Coffee House. He had a fresh brew and I had a caramel latte. We have been together since. Fingers crossed we stick it out.